Office of the Registrar
University Closure
The National Student Clearinghouse and Wayne State University will be closed December 25 through January 1. Fully automated orders will process.
Transcript orders that require handling by staff at either organization will not be processed until after January 1st.
News & Announcements
ARR Building and Room Definition
The "ARR" building and room code is used when a section does not require a room. If you have further questions about the section, please contact the academic department offering the course.
Do you have a hold preventing registration? Check out the holds page to learn How to view holds and who to contact
Not sure where, when, or how your classes are being held? Here's a guide on How to read your class schedule
Waitlists end on the first day of class for the semester regardless of when the class starts/ends. Any available seats, even if a waitlist notification was sent the day prior, will be available on a first-come, first served basis when registration opens at 7:00 am, Eastern time.